S. cerevisiae

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The Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Model for Understanding RAS Proteins

It was published an updated critical literature review on human and yeast RAS pathways, specifically highlighting the similarities and differences between them. Moreover, it was also adressed the contribution of studying yeast RAS pathways for the understanding of human RAS and how this model organism can contribute to unveil the roles of RAS oncoproteins in the regulation of mechanisms important in the tumorigenic process, like autophagy.

The Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Model for Understanding RAS Proteins

It was published an updated critical literature review on human and yeast RAS pathways, specifically highlighting the similarities and differences between them. Moreover, it was also adressed the contribution of studying yeast RAS pathways for the understanding of human RAS and how this model organism can contribute to unveil the roles of RAS oncoproteins in the regulation of mechanisms important in the tumorigenic process, like autophagy.