Bruno Pereira

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MEX3A Regulates Lgr5 + Stem Cell Maintenance in the Developing Intestinal Epithelium

MEX3A regula a manutenção das células estaminais Lgr5 + no epitélio intestinal em desenvolvimento

O estudo centra-se na ação de uma proteína nas células estaminais do intestino, foi desenvolvido por investigadores do Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto (i3S) e chegou agora à capa da conceituada revista científica EMBO Reports. Os investigadores descobriram que a proteína designada MEX3A é importante para a identidade das células estaminais intestinais, as responsáveis pela contínua renovação do tecido num intestino saudável. A equipa está agora a tentar perceber quais as implicações desta proteína no cancro do cólon e na sua progressão.

Portuguese investigator wins 1st prize at the 10th International Medical Postgraduate Conference

The young investigator Bruno Pereira, from IPATIMUP and in representation of the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto, was awarded the 1st prize for his presentation at the 10th International Medical Postgraduate Conference 2013, which occurred in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, and recognized by the Organisation for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System (Orpheus) as the author of outstanding research.

Portuguese investigator wins 1st prize at the 10th International Medical Postgraduate Conference

The young investigator Bruno Pereira, from IPATIMUP and in representation of the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto, was awarded the 1st prize for his presentation at the 10th International Medical Postgraduate Conference 2013, which occurred in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, and recognized by the Organisation for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System (Orpheus) as the author of outstanding research.

MEX-3 proteins: recent insights on novel post-transcriptional regulators

Bruno Pereira (1), Mailys Le Borgne (2), Nicolas T. Chartier (2), Marc Billaud (2), and Raquel Almeida (1,3)

(1) IPATIMUP – Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal;

(2) INSERM-UJF U823, BP 170, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France;

MEX-3 proteins: recent insights on novel post-transcriptional regulators

Uma proporção significativa de regulação genética é de natureza pós-transcricional, actuando ao nível do processamento, localização, tradução e degradação do ARN. A alteração nos níveis de expressão e/ou actividade das proteínas de ligação ao ARN, factores-chave envolvidos nestes processos de controlo, encontra-se subjacente a diversas patologias, incluindo no cancro.