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P-cadherin induces anoikis-resistance of matrix-detached breast cancer cells by promoting pentose phosphate pathway and decreasing oxidative stress

Authors and Affiliations:

Bárbara Sousaa,b, Joana Pereiraa,b, Ricardo Marquesc, Luís F. Griloc, Susana P. Pereirac, Vilma A. Sardãoc, Fernando Schmitta,b,d, Paulo J. Oliveirac, Joana Paredesa,b,d

a i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

A expressão de P-caderina induz resistência à anoikis em células de cancro da mama independentes de ancoragem através da promoção da via das pentoses-fosfato e da diminuição do stress oxidativo

Uma nova descoberta, recentemente publicada na revista científica BBA- Molecular Basis of Disease, por investigadores do Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto (i3S), e do Centro de Neurociências (CNC), Universidade de Coimbra, identifica o papel da molécula de adesão celular, P-caderina, como sendo responsável pela sobrevivência de células de cancro da mama em circulação, promovendo a formação de metástases.


P-cadherin: a useful biomarker for axillary-based breast cancer decisions in the clinical practice

A research team from i3S/Ipatimup found that the analysis of the stem cell marker P-cadherin in metastasized lymph nodes of breast cancer allows for a better stratification of the overall survival and disease free survival of patients. Specifically, P-cadherin was more effective in this stratification than the classical stem cell markers CD44 and Cd49f, being the gain of P-cadherin in metastasized lymph nodes (vs. primary tumor) is associated with more aggressive disease.

Atomic force microscopy and graph analysis to study the P-cadherin/SFK mechanotransduction signalling in breast cancer cells

AS Ribeiro1,2, FA Carvalho3, J Figueiredo1,2, R Carvalho1, T Mestre4, J Monteiro1, AF Guedes3, M Fonseca4, J Sanches4, R Seruca1,2,5, NC Santos3, J Paredes1,2,5

1 i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, Portugal;

2 Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto;

P-Cadherin as a putative biomarker to identify the metastatic phenotyope of breast cancer cells

Authors and Affiliations:

Ana Sofia Ribeiro and Joana Paredes 1,2*
1 Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP), Porto, Portugal
2 Department of Pathology and Oncology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal



The P-cadherin expression is associated with breast cancer cells with glycolytic phenotype

Bárbara Sousa 1,2, Ana Sofia Ribeiro 1, Ana Rita Nobre 1, Nair Lopes 1, Diana Martins 1, Céline Pinheiro 3,4, André Filipe Vieira 1, André Albergaria 1,5, René Gerhard 1, Fernando Schmitt 1,5, Fátima Baltazar 3,4
 and Joana Paredes 1,5

1 Iptimup- Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal;

A new link between P-cadherin and α6β4-integrin with implications in breast cancer progression

Researchers at IPATIMUP (Joana Paredes group) are focused in P-cadherin, an adhesion molecule that induces cancer stem cell and invasive properties in breast cancer. In its newest publication, this group found a downstream signaling pathway that helps clarify P-cadherin mediated aggressive effects.

This work reports an important crosstalk between P-cadherin and the laminin receptor α6β4, a link that was never previously described. The activation of this heterodimer points to a new molecular mechanism that may be targeted to counteract the effects induced by this adhesion molecule.

Evaluation of gene expression in breast tumor cells treated with azurine

Nuno Bernardes1,2, Ana Sofia Ribeiro2, Sofia Abreu1, André F Vieira2, Laura Carreto3, Manuel Santos3, Raquel Seruca2, Joana Paredes2 and Arsenio M Fialho1 1Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Center for Biological and Chemical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal;

2Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP), Porto, Portugal;

P-cadherin functional role is dependent on E-cadherin cellular context

Ribeiro AS, Sousa B, Carreto L, Mendes N, Nobre AR, Ricardo S, Albergaria A, Cameselle-Teijeiro JF, Gerhard R, Söderberg O, Seruca R, Santos MA, Schmitt F, Paredes J.

P-cadherin functional role is dependent on E-cadherin cellular context

A proteína Caderina-P é um marcador tumoral associado a um mau prognóstico em cancro da mama. Em estudos prévios, demonstrámos que a expressão desta proteína promove a capacidade invasiva de células de cancro da mama, em modelos onde a expressão membranar de Caderina-E é mantida; no entanto, em modelos de melanoma (negativos para a Caderina-E), a Caderina-P tem um papel exactamente oposto, funcionando como um factor supressor de invasão.