EACR Travel Fellowships to advance your research

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EACR Travel Fellowships to advance your research

Thursday, 05.09.2013

The EACR Travel Fellowship scheme is intended to assist cancer researchers to advance their research and is supported by EACR and the Association for International Cancer Research (AICR).

The fellowships mainly give opportunities for researchers to work in exciting new contexts across Europe: they support the development of research by visiting and working in a centre of excellence or participating in specialised practical workshops and courses.

The scheme is specifically designed to assist EACR members who are PhD students or have less than four years post-doctoral experience. Late entrants to cancer research with less than four years post-doctoral experience may also apply for Travel Fellowships.

The value of each award is typically up to 2,500 Euros with some exceptions. An EACR Travel Fellowship is normally awarded for a period of two weeks to three months.


See more informations here: http://www.eacr.org/fellowships/travel.php