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The Achilles heel of pro-tumoral γδ ​T cells

Tumors are infiltrated by many immune cells that influence many aspects of cancer progression and outcome. Among tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, γδ T cells play dual functions in the tumor milieu; whereas those that produce the antitumor cytokine interferon-γ are protective, their counterparts that make interleukin 17 (IL-17) support tumor growth. Here, the authors found that IL-17+ γδ T cells express very low levels of the antioxidant, glutathione, and are very sensitive to reactive oxygen species (ROS), thus revealing their Achilles' heel.

O calcanhar de Aquiles das células T γδ pro-tumorais

​Os tumores são infiltrados por várias células do sistema imunitário que influenciam diversos aspectos da progressão tumoral. As células T γδ são linfócitos que infiltram o tumor e que podem ter papéis opostos na progressão tumoral, dependendo das citocinas que produzem. Enquanto as células produtoras da citocina IFN-γ são protectoras, as produtoras de IL-17 promovem o crescimento tumoral.