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Rescue of wild-type E-cadherin expression from nonsense-mutated cancer cells by a suppressor-tRNA

This work is based on using suppressor-tRNAs as a possible therapeutic tool for inherited cancer syndromes, where about 10-20% of the mutations described in are nonsense mutations. A suppressor-tRNA is a tRNA that can be altered to recognize premature stop codons (nonsense mutations), promoting their readthrough to produce full-length proteins. As a model, we used hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC), which is associated with mutations in CDH1 gene, encoding the adhesion molecule E-cadherin.

Researchers from IPATIMUP identified a molecule that can influence gastric cancer progression

Gastric cancer is one of the most prevalent and fatal in the world, especially due to its invasive nature, and the capacity to metastasize at distance, frequently without symptoms. E-cadherin is one of the most important structural molecules in the stomach, and its expression in the gastric epithelia suppresses cancer development. Carriers of mutations in the gene encoding E-cadherin have high probability of developing hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. Strategies aiming to prevent the loss of E-cadherin expression enclose high therapeutic potential for gastric cancer.

P-cadherin functional role is dependent on E-cadherin cellular context

Ribeiro AS, Sousa B, Carreto L, Mendes N, Nobre AR, Ricardo S, Albergaria A, Cameselle-Teijeiro JF, Gerhard R, Söderberg O, Seruca R, Santos MA, Schmitt F, Paredes J.

P-cadherin functional role is dependent on E-cadherin cellular context

A proteína Caderina-P é um marcador tumoral associado a um mau prognóstico em cancro da mama. Em estudos prévios, demonstrámos que a expressão desta proteína promove a capacidade invasiva de células de cancro da mama, em modelos onde a expressão membranar de Caderina-E é mantida; no entanto, em modelos de melanoma (negativos para a Caderina-E), a Caderina-P tem um papel exactamente oposto, funcionando como um factor supressor de invasão.