Single dose radiotherapy: information misleading patient’s trust on cancer research

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Single dose radiotherapy: information misleading patient’s trust on cancer research

Sexta, 08.05.2015

Recently, the Portuguese press announced in several front pages that a private Foundation (Fundação Champalimaud) was capable to cure 90% of cancer patients with single dose radiotherapy. This announcement was very unfortunate. It is obviously a false statement from the professionals and scientists standpoint, but not for patients. Patients and their families tend to invest their expectations in whatever promise, even if the “good news” may sound as suspicious to everybody that is not sufficiently acquainted with science progress (and limitations). To the scientific community this sort of information has a dreadful result – to discredit the value of science and scientists. Medicine and medical doctors have been fighting for years to elevate the profession to a level of credibility that sustains public support for research. This sort of propaganda antagonizes this effort and makes long lasting damage to our honest efforts, and successes, to improve life expectancy of those of us or our family and our friends suffering from cancer. As president of ASPIC (the Portuguese Association for Cancer Research) I wish the excellent professionals working at Fundação Champalimaud, and the institution itself, do not suffer permanent disrepute from these rash advertisements.


Leonor David