Probing the O-glycoproteome of Gastric Cancer Cell Lines for Biomarker Discovery

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Probing the O-glycoproteome of Gastric Cancer Cell Lines for Biomarker Discovery

Quarta, 29.04.2015

Este trabalho realizado em colaboração por várias instituições de investigação (IPATIMUP, IPO-Porto, Faculdade de Medicina e ICBAS da Universidade do Porto, Universidade de Aveiro, e Universidade de Copenhaga), e publicado na Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, caracterizou o O-glicoproteoma de células gástricas geneticamente modificadas com o objetivo de identificar potenciais biomarcadores específicos do carcinoma gástrico. O estudo permitiu ainda a identificação de glicoformas aberrantes expressas em proteínas em circulação no soro de doentes com carcinomas gástricos. Estas glicoformas aberrantes (O-glicanos truncados) são produzidas por carcinomas, mas não por células normais, constituindo potenciais biomarcadores detetáveis no soro dos doentes.


Autores e Afiliações:

Diana Campos1,2, Daniela Freitas2, Joana Gomes2, Ana Magalhães2, Catharina Steentoft1, Catarina Gomes2, Malene B. Vester-Christensen1*, José Alexandre Ferreira3,4, Luis P. Afonso5, Lúcio L. Santos3, João Pinto de Sousa6, Ulla Mandel1, Henrik Clausen1, Sergey Y. Vakhrushev1, Celso A. Reis2,6,7

Copenhagen Center for Glycomics, Departments of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen

2 IPATIMUP, Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto

3 Experimental Pathology and Therapeutics Group, Portuguese Institute of Oncology

4 QOPNA, Department of Chemistry of the University of Aveiro

5 Department of Pathology, Portuguese Institute of Oncology

6 Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto

7 Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, ICBAS



Circulating O-glycoproteins shed from cancer cells represent important serum biomarkers for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. We have recently shown that selective detection of cancer-associated aberrant glycoforms of circulating O-glycoprotein biomarkers can increase specificity of cancer biomarker assays. However, the current knowledge of secreted and circulating O-glycoproteins is limited. Here, we used the COSMC KO "SimpleCell" (SC) strategy to characterize the O-glycoproteome of two gastric cancer SC lines (AGS, MKN45) as well as a gastric cell line (KATO III) which naturally expresses at least partially truncated O-glycans. Overall we identified 499 O-glycoproteins and 1,236 O-glycosites in gastric cancer SCs, and a total 47 O-glycoproteins and 73 O-glycosites in the KATO III cell line. We next modified the glycoproteomic strategy to apply it to pools of sera from gastric cancer and healthy individuals to identify circulating O-glycoproteins with the STn glycoform. We identified 37 O-glycoproteins in the pool of cancer sera, and only 9 of these were also found in sera from healthy individuals. Two identified candidate O-glycoprotein biomarkers (CD44 and GalNAc-T5) circulating with the STn glycoform were further validated as being expressed in gastric cancer tissue. A proximity ligation assay was used to demonstrate that CD44 was expressed with the STn glycoform in gastric cancer tissues. The study provides a discovery strategy for aberrantly glycosylated O-glycoproteins and a set of O-glycoprotein candidates with biomarker potential in gastric cancer.


Revista: Molecular & Cellular Proteomics

