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StemChecker: a web-based tool to discover and explore stemness signatures in gene sets

We have developed StemChecker (, a publicly accessible web server to analyze the presence of stemness signatures in gene sets provided by the user. Stemness signatures are sets of genes, which have been associated with the capabilities of stem cells to proliferate and differentiate. Particularly for cancer researchers, stemness signatures have proven to be valuable tool for the classification of tumors and might indicate the presence of malignant stem cells - the so called cancer stem cells.

StemChecker: a ferramenta online para investigar e explorar stemness signatures em conjuntos de genes

Autores e Afiliações:

José P. Pinto1,*, Ravi K. Kalathur1,2, Daniel V. Oliveira1,Tânia Barata1, Rui S.R. Machado1, Susana Machado1, Ivette Pacheco-Leyva1, Isabel Duarte1 and Matthias E. Futschik1,3,*

1 Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Laboratory (SysBioLab), University of Algarve, Faro, Algarve, 8005-139, Portugal,