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GMP-grade nanoparticle targeted to nucleolin downregulates tumor molecular signature, blocking growth and invasion, at low systemic exposure

GMP-grade nanoparticle targeted to nucleolin downregulates tumor molecular signature, blocking growth and invasion, at low systemic exposure

Nucleolin expression improved intracellular drug delivery in glioblastoma cells

One of the major challenges in Glioblastoma (GBM) therapy relates with the existence of glioma stem-like cells (GSCs), known to be chemo- and radio-resistant. In our work, nucleolin overexpression in GBM cells resulted in a higher association of liposomes targeting nucleolin. Moreover, nucleolin was suggested as a potential marker in GSCs, and in the corresponding non-stem GBM cells. Doxorubicin delivered by liposomes targeting nucleolin enabled a higher level of cytotoxicity.

A expressão de nucleolina permite a entrega intracelular de fármacos em células de glioblastoma

Um dos principais desafios da terapia do glioblastoma (GBM) está relacionado com a existência de células do tipo estaminal (GSC), conhecidas por serem quimio e radiorresistentes. No nosso trabalho, a sobre-expressão de nucleolina em células de GBM conduziu a uma maior associação dos lipossomas que têm com alvo a nucleolina. Além disso, a nucleolina foi sugerida como um potencial marcador em GSCs e nas células GBM não-estaminais correspondentes. A doxorrubicina administrada através dos lipossomas dirigidos à nucleolina permitiu um nível mais elevado de citotoxicidade.

Nucleolin overexpression in cancer stem cells enables targeted intracellular delivery of synergistic drug combination

Breast cancer stem cells (CSC) are believed to play a relevant role in tumor growth and relapse, metastization and active evasion to standard chemotherapy, thus representing an important tumor target. The objective of this work was to assess whether nucleolin was a receptor expressed in both breast cancer stem cells and non-stem cancer cells and whether it could be exploited to target nanoparticles-encapsulating drug combinations.